Saturday, May 28, 2011

Badlands Day 2 – 5/28/11

Badlands Day 2 – 5/28/11

This morning I went to the park without Rick. Not sure why he had problems getting out of bed at 5:30am but oh well. His loss. But really there wasn’t much to see. I got a cool shot of three deer and some nice looking spires.

After breakfast, we headed through the park and into Wall, South Dakota. WE had been here once before. It is a curiosity… shop? No. store? Not quite. Downtown? Yep, the entire downtown is made up of a bunch of Western wannabe gift stores and cafes and bars, and on one side is the largest gift shop/mall/curiosity/shops attraction you’ve seen. They have an old-timey pharmacy, bookstore, of course, gift shops of every kind. They host the largest Jackalope, display Indian and Cowboy photos as well as stuffed animals of every kind.

We thought one visit three years ago was enough, well, I guess not. We walked up one side of the street and down another. We were actually on a mission to find t-shirts. We did not. So we had some lunch, I enjoyed an Indian Taco. Pretty dang good. Imagine a taco salad but instead of a flour shell, it is Indian flat bread.

Later in the day we traveled back into the park to try our hand at more sunset photos. I think we succeeded. The spot we choose is known for its yellow mounds near Dillon Pass. The yellow and reds just pop against the blue sky in the daytime and give off a saturated hue at dusk.

Oh, I almost forgot, I guess because I don’t have a photo of this. It was another day of turkeys, but only this time about a dozen of them. And they weren’t standing around either. Nope. They were FLYING! You heard me right. We headed up a hill, and swooshing fast and furious over head were about a dozen wild turkeys sailing through the air. Completely caught us off guard; a sight we’ll likely never see again. If only I had a photo so people would believe us.

Photos to be added soon.

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