Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yellowstone Day 5 6/4/11

Yellowstone Day 5 6/4/11

We started late having spent the previous two days out all day with our friends the Newsoms. We traveled to Lamar and saw many folks scoping. We asked and apparently four coyote were chasing a wolf. They were so far away that we decided to move on.

Absolutely nothing was going on in Lamar this morning. Well, not until we had passed the Lamar river parking lot going west did my eye catch something – a Badger!! I had been eying this fresh dirt mound for a few days now and it finally paid off today. We watched two badgers pop in and out of their den for about 40 minutes. Much of the time it was just Rick and I.

After that we rejoined the scopes still watching the coyotes and wolf. We learned that two more wolves joined and they raided the coyote’s den killing three pups. Someone allowed us to use their scope and we could see the wolves and coyote. Again they were so far out so we didn’t look for long.

On our way out of Lamar, we confirmed that a nest in a tree near the river had an osprey in it. We also watched her mate flying above the river.

As we approached Petrified Tree we saw a few folks with their cameras pointed at some old logs on the grounds. It wasn't long before we learned the subject was a cute little weasel! Our very first! He posed very nicely for us a few times and considering how fast he moved I counted myself lucky to have gotten at least one decent shot.

In the evening we headed back through Lamar and all was quiet. Not even the badger would pose for us! It's a long, long trip home when you don't see anything exciting. But I'm in Yellowstone with the man I love and that alone makes me very happy!

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