Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday June 6 Yellowstone

We had planned to get up early, but didn't. The heat from the day before had changed drastically overnight and it was freezing and very windy outside. Thus sleeping in and working was to be the first order of the day.

We drove from Mammoth to Lamar Valley through Roosevelt and Tower, over Dunraven Pass, past Canyon, down to Hayden Valley and back again to Canyon and found absolutely nothing. We decided to go to West Yellowstone and do some t-shirt shopping and lunch. We drove from Canyon to Madison via Norris and then half way between Madison and West Yellowstone, we finally spot some wild life. Buffalo. Yay.... I'm being sarcastic here.

Actually though, it was pretty cool; a large herd picked up some speed crossing a stream and then they swam through the Madison River and crossed the road. They were running, jumping, grunting and shaking off the cold water. The calves were extremely spry, kicking and jumping around. So very cute!!

We continue onto West Yellowstone and I search for a pair of eagles that frequent the area. They use to keep a nest close to the road and we've seen a few set of eaglets over the years, but they haven't nested here in a couple of years now. But I did spot one in a bare tree and got her photo.

And that was it. Nothing more to write about except for a nice visit with a husband and wife shop owner. They run a t-shirt business and were made me two t-shirts in which I choose the design and color of shirt. After talking with them, we discovered we could benefit one another in business. I hope to be able to design a logo and graphic for their t-shirt. So that was pretty cool.

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