Monday, January 31, 2011

Cookie Container

So all weekend we have been hearing how the weather is going to make it treacherous and nearly impossible for travel tomorrow in the DFW area. This is new to us North Texans. As my friend Micki says "You don't live through 100 degree summers only to experience 10 degree winters." Correctomuno, Micki! This is Texas! Not Kentucky! If we wanted to experience below freezing we would have moved to Montana, just sayin'.

So hear it is 11:18pm and it is pouring down rain. The dog has already gone out to do her business, thanks goodness, or else the little "Doesn't Do Rain Diva" would have reared her ugly head like the Exorcist and I would be going to bed cold, wet and frustrated. So tomorrow morning, Rick will get to deal with that, then 15 minutes later, I will deal with it, then 30 minutes later, it's my turn again... sigh.

So I was thinking of how Christy, Lisa and my mom find my blogs humorous (mom's kind of biased). So I thought I'd share a little story that I'm sure you can relate to.

At a party we had last year, Micki brought over a canister full of cookies. Not all of Micki's delicious cookies were eaten so Micki just leaves them with the container behind. But if anyone knows me, you don't leave your container at my house with the expectation that you will get it back. It's not that I want your silly container, it's that I forget about it. Sometimes I put it in the trunk of may car thinking I will just "drop it off" or hand it over when I see you. Well, that rarely if ever happens. And when it does, it's covered in dog hair or leaves. Well that's what you get for leaving it at my house.

So one day about two months after the party (I actually was pleased with myself that it only took two months and not the standard five or six), anyway, I was out running errands and I knew Micki would be home so I grabbed her container to take with me. I finished doing my errands, leaving her for last so as not to feel rushed considering it is an ordeal going over to her home. First, she has to lock up Millie, then Tucker, then she can actually open the front door, but not the glass storm door, at least not until she shoos Chester and Bowser away. If she didn't do that, two little rat terriers would be bopping up and down and yapping so loud we couldn't hear ourselves talk.

Anyway, so I am driving to her house the back way. The light is fading so I can't make out the name on the street sign but it is a four letter word like her street name and the street looks familiar so I take a turn and park in front of her home. I knock on the door, but no one answers. I wait, and I ring the bell and knock again. I know she should be home by now. But it's weird because I don't hear any little dogs snarling and growling at me through the doors. So I open the storm door and place the container between the doors.

A couple of days go by and she hasn't said anything about her container. So I ask "Did you find your container?" She replies "No? Where did you put it?" "I put it in front of your front door. Between the storm door and your front door." She goes to look, "Nope. Nothing there."

She then has the nerve to ask me if perhaps I placed it at the wrong house. What? Me wrong? Never...

It is through this discussion I realize, "Oh, yea, she doesn't have a driveway in front of her house like the one I dropped the canister off at. And yes wasn't it weird I didn't hear any little mongrel doggies."

Sigh...I'm a dork.

You know, this whole thing could have been avoided had I just actually taking two seconds to read the sign instead of faking it. Or better yet, when you drop something off at my house, do not leave the container, or pot, or utensil, or dish if you want it back. From here on out I shall make no promise nor guarantee that I will return your container, et al should you bring it into my house. Period. No warranty. No refund. And no Get Out of Jail Free card, either. Sorry. (See what I did there? Sorry has a dual meaning, as in the game Sorry and as in the apology, but I'm really not apologizing because I told you up front not to trust me with your cooking utensils, pottery, or other home wares.)

So a few nights later I decide to go over to the wrong house and get Micki's container back. She said she didn't want it back but by God, if I lose or break something of yours I will fix it or get a replacement because that's just who I am. Even if it's 25 cents. So anyway, I knock on the door, no one answers but I know someone is home because the garage door is wide open and a car is there. I ring the door bell, nothing. I knock again. I hear the door in the garage close, I run to the garage, nothing. I said "Hello!!" "Hello! I know you're home!" Nothing. I ran back to the front door and knocked several more times. Nothing.

They KNEW I was coming back for that container!! They didn't want to give it up! Asshats... I told Micki and she laughed. She said she knew them and would call them and ask for it back. (By the way, she never called them.)

So another month passes. I sheepishly and apologetically ask Micki if she got her container. She laughs (she always laughs at me when I'm being serious) and assures me she is fine without the container. Her life has not suddenly become unglued because she no longer has that ugly container. (Sorry, it was ugly.) So a few weeks later I surprise with a new and prettier container. And she laughed. :)

Yes, I am a dork. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Randomness 1

I titled this blog Randomness 1 because there will be other blogs that are just as random.

Here are a few thoughts and experiences I have had last week and am just now finding time to write them down.

1. I had the most wonderful time last Tuesday night at the Hot Pink Mamas networking, however, my voice was left scratched because there was no way to get people's attention and well, since I have a big mouth, I was the one that called attention. I think Patty thinks my mouth is too big because she discovered another way to get people's attention. LOL

After the meeting, Michelle, Linda, Chris and I went to TGIF. I left with my cheeks aching because we laughed so hard. It feels so good to be able to be your true self around others. Try it.

2. I met with Lisa Peters, she is my accountability partner. No, I'm not in alcoholics anonymous, but we both chose one another to help one another stay focused and on track of our goals and tasks. This can either be personal or business related.

Well, isn't this nice. As I am typing this, my husband walks over, stands behind me, leans over to kiss me then has the nerve to wonder out loud "Alicia's Ramblings?" and questions what that means! And then walks off laughing. What the heck?? :/

Anyway, Lisa and I are truly meant for each other. She's the pretty one, I'm the smart one. She's dependent, I'm codependent. She's the home run hitter, I'm the bat boy. No seriously, she is an amazing woman and so am I and we really are in sync so I think this whole accountability thing is going to work out between us. In fact, I have helped her come up with a potential service and she has helped me pinpoint three projects that I'm going to do by Wednesday next week.

Crap! I haven't done a dang thing yet!!!

3. This week, I have expressed how I really felt to a man that questioned my family's integrity. I'm not going to go into details, but you don't ever question my family's integrity. If we are wrong we will correct it but when you are wrong, be a man and apologize for your error. I had to see this rat this week and told him to his face that I was upset with him. He knew but didn't care. Come to find out everyone else in the organization thinks he is a rat, too. So now I don't care as much. Big rat!!! /shakes fist/

4. My friends Julie and Micki are like the coolest girls. We met up for dinner last Friday night and there was discussion of going to a casino in Oklahoma to see some band from Canada. Yes, a casino... weird. Anyway, Juls is from Canada so I guess that's why she wants to see them and Micki, well, Micki is a horn dawg when it comes to men in bands, so I guess that's why she wants to see them. I can't even tell you the name of this band except that they sing a song that is really dirty and also cover a Duran Duran song. (I still love you Simon!!!!)

So Micki informed us the other day she bought tickets for us three.

I guess when we were talking over pancakes and eggs Friday night, I said something to the effect that I would go with them like "yea, it'd be fun to go to yada yada yada..." You know, it's one of those conversations were you don't think you will be held to your word.... but then you are.

So even though I have no idea where in Oklahoma they are taking me, whether or not I will have to work my way through a smoke filled room of old ladies playing slots, what band is playing, but I am PSYCHED!!!! Can you say GIRL'S ROAD TRIP!??!!! This is so almost Thelma and Louise, only I don't plan on robbing anyone again* and Juls doesn't even know what a gun looks like (she's from Canada)* but I wouldn't put any of that past Micki. She don't mess around, that girl. I would NOT want to tumble with that girl. She'll pull your hair AND knock your teeth out!* Just sayin'...

*Disclaimer: Micki is not that bad; you'd have to provoke her to get that kind of response. I have never robbed anyone. And Juls knows what a gun looks like. Not all Canadians are that sheltered. But they are THAT nice.

5. The kitchen reno part 1 was successful. I love love love my new cabinets and granite counter top. Apparently Alex does too. That little stink! I caught him yesterday on top of the counter, on his back, with his feet in the air, rolling and loving on that counter! I was in such disbelief of what I saw I died laughing before yelling at him to get off!!! I guess this is his way of getting back at us for not being able to get inside the cabinets anymore.

Enjoy this video of Alex and the old cabinet:

Well that is all for now. I hope to have an update on the kitchen today with our new bar stools and chairs.

Have an iFantabulous day!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dust and Cabinets

Day Chiloso's - Jan 13 2011

For those who have been following, my "days" are now numbered with the place we ate dinner for that day (thanks for the idea, Christy). Without any cooking surfaces or cooking tools except for a microwave covered in dust and smelling of burnt popcorn,* we have been eating out during this reno. *Yes, I burnt the popcorn AGAIN, but didn't have to call out the fire department this time... sigh.. I guess I'll fill you in on that later.

This is actually Day 4. We are one day ahead of schedule. I spent most of the day in Plano at an AWESOME networking event, Chocolate Blues. Michelle Ketterman, Lisa Peters, Patty Farmer, Linda, Eva, Nadya, Renea, Danielle, Marla, all of the great Hot Pink Mamas were there! So when I came home, the cabinets were up! All that was lacking were door pulls and knobs, the crown molding and the light rail and granite.

Day Goodfellas - Jan 14 2011

The final day for cabinet and granite install. Everything except the bar was installed. It's my fault, of course. I had to pick out some corbels that hold up the bar and, you guessed it, the ones I chose were special order and 100 bucks more. Well, good grief. I can choose them, huh? But over all the experience was pleasant. Only awkward thing was talking to the Hispanic guy who then translated to the Chinese guy and they both spoke to each other in broken English. I don't know how they do it, but they make it work. I can give you an impression if you ever see me in person. It's funny.

Here is how the kitchen looked after Day 5. LOVE LOVE LOVE the granite!!! OMG!!! It's called Uba Tuba. Really. I'm not making that up. And handy Rick installed a lovely new aged bronze faucet that I found after looking in three different stores for "just the one!"

The Burnt Popcorn Story
In Sept 2007, I bought some new popcorn bags. These were smaller than the normal sized bags so the time to cook isn't as long. Well, I didn't pay attention, I guess, and burnt the popcorn. It wasn't that I just burnt it, but smoke filled the entire first floor of the house; even the smoke detector went off. After smacking the smoke detector with a broom handle, I tried to air out the house but wasn't making any progress. I finally called Fire Station 1 and asked my fire fighting buddy, Jeff, if he and his team could come Code 1 to the house and use their big fans to help push the smell out. I certainly didn't want to call 911 over this nonsense so I placed a public service call and asked "If you have time, yada yada yada..."

The big red truck shows up and Jeff gets out of the cab laughing his butt off at me. In public. With all the neighbors watching. Well, I don't know if they were wathcing, but I can only imagine they were peeking through the blinds like I do when an emergency vehicle pulls up. Yes, I'm that neighbor. Don't judge; you do it, too.

But yea, Jeff makes a big to do about it. That's just what I need to boost my shattered level of confidence. I can't even pop a bag of popcorn without burning it. They push some air around with their big loud roaring fans and the smoke finally started to clear up. I thank them and send them on their way. I ask if they would like a bag of popcorn; they decline.


What was suppose to be a relaxing evening with a bowl of popcorn and some TV and maybe a cat in my lap turned into a visit from the fire department, me running around Febreezing EVERYTHING, running lemon water in the microwave, getting a first degree burn on my hand after adding baking soda to said lemon water, thinking baking soda and lemon water together would REALLY get the smell out of the microwave, to boiling some water with vanilla and cinnamon on the stove and then finally baking a cake to mask the smell only to have used bad oil that caused the cake to stick to the bundt pan thus having to throw the whole thing out.


It LITERALLY cannot be easy when "it" happens, can it? :/

Even though he is a big ol' goober head, my hero, Jeff Scribner is on the left:

Just the Beginning

Well, it wasn't until after the demo and install of cabinets that I realized this truly is just the beginning of what we have in store for our entire 1st floor of the house. You see, we've lived here for 14 years and still have builders paint on the ceiling and some rooms upstairs. Getting "somebody" to do home improvements on my time frame has been a challenge for the first 14 years I've been married to that "somebody." "Somebody" just doesn't understand how my OCD really kicks in when things are askew or incomplete. You would think that that "somebody" would like to live life in peace and serenity.

That "somebody" instead chooses to live life on the edge and thus, our renos won't be complete for another 5 months or so. It's good thing I married a man who doesn't drop the word divorce at the slightest eyebrow raise. We would have been divorced a million times already and the "fun" is about to begin!

So, to recap from my last blog entry of my life, two days is about all it took to tear out the cabinets and island wall. We had a functioning sink but no dishwasher. We had a functioning fridge but no stove. Fortunately for us, Rick cooked a huge pot of stew (my absolute FAV dish he cooks) and we at sammwiches and stew for several days. Until we ran out, on Wednesday.

Then commenced the excitement of just where would we have our next meal! I mean, how often do you get to eat out several nights in a row? For a fat girl, this is nirvana!! Italian one night, Mexican the next, ooh ooh Houlihans! Oh yea, BBQ! Oh and Pizza!! After several nights of this the last thing you want to do is eat out. A piece of bread cooked on high in the microwave is more appetizing than another greasy french fry.

We ate out almost every meal for 6 days. And my jeans feel it. :(

So back to the reno. Below is a summary of what went on those days and some pics. Hope you enjoy!

Day Houlihan's - Jan 12 2011
Tien from Rockywood Cabinets calls at 8:30 to ask if it is okay if they begin installing cabinets today. That would be all fine and dandy but they aren't scheduled to come until tomorrow and Rick hasn't done any of the electrical work or removed the sink. We rush through our morning routine and get downstairs and we begin working. The guys come and build our new island wall. It is about 18 inches longer than the old island and will be split level with a bar. They used one of those gun nail thingy tools. So I can say someone shot off a bullet in my house. Here are two of the shells:

One of the workers is Hispanic and the other one is Chinese (his name was Ben). It was very interesting to hear them speak to each other. It was English but not. So, Ben had brought in this very ornate box and set it on top of the stove. I looked it over and couldn't figure out what it was. I thought "Maybe this is an ancient piece to invite peace and stability over the project. Maybe it is used to ward off evil." You know like a Feng Shui thing or something.

Much to my embarrassment when I asked Ben what it was and he showed me it's true purpose. It held his tea packets, tea strainer, iPod and speakers. :/

The day went off without a hitch. Rick got the electric finished, the sink out, and the workers got some cabinetry in.

Here Callie and Alex are checking out the cabinets.

This is pretty much how we lived until Saturday. Nine days later and I am still finding dust from this project. :(

Wednesday was fairly tiring so we went to Houlihan's for a nice and relaxing dinner.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Prepare for some really dry reading. I will try to make it fun so keep your eyes open, Christy.

Day 1 - Jan 8 2011:
So, we begin Saturday with demolishing the island. I had a project to tend to upstairs on the computer so Rick was downstairs by himself whacking away at the island. And actually in all fairness, I'm not really interested in whacking things apart. I'm more interested in using the reciprocating saw!

When I finally finished my project, I came downstairs to this:

My job started by filling up our trash can with the broken dry wall and old lumber supports. I was later informed by my friend Christy that she had been looking for an island. I asked her to trust me, this one wasn't it! Especially now that it was all in a trash can... which is a funny story I'll tell later. Well, it's really not that funny. But interesting... well, to us, maybe not you...

So here's the story now 'cause I feel like I just built up this story like it's going to be iHilarious but I promise, it's not that big of a deal. And yes, I've started putting "i"s in front of words like iHilarious and soon to be revealed iFantabulous because it's the in thing. No, I don't own anything Mac, but by iGod, I will be an iCool kid. Oh wait, I do have an iPod.

So here's the story. Monday is our trash day, and the can is somewhat full, no worse than other times when we have a large amount of trash especially at Christmas, or after removing those home loan signs you see illegally placed in the roadway, or after a night of binge eating and drinking... not that we do that... anymore... removing the signs that is.

So Rick set out the trash can and the trash guy passed us up and a little tag was placed on it. Rick grumbled but then admitted maybe that stuff should have been hauled off by bulk pick up instead. He didn't read the tag so there is no telling why they didn't pick it up. But it honestly wasn't THAT full but okay, whatever. And for some reason he left the can down there instead of bringing it back up like he usually does. So later that day when we went outside, the can was empty and the tag gone! It's as if a little garbage fairy waved his magic wand and made the trash disappear! Or our address is flagged that I'm Councilman Rick White's wife or something to that nature. //sigh//

I know what you are saying now, "Wow Alicia that was an iHilarious story!"

And I told you that iHilarious would catch on. ;)

So here is the kitchen with the trash and island gone:

Day 2 - Jan 9 2011:
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! I like saying the word "Sunday" in that big voice that that guy uses when announcing boxing or wrestling events, hockey games, and at those monster truck shows. I'm sure Julie knows what voice I'm talking about as she has been to her fair share of monster truck shows and hockey games. I think as long as they serve chicken fingers, she's cool with it.

Anyway, the cabinets came down and out. There really is nothing of interest in this except that Rick used the reciprocating saw and I didn't. Boo.

It appears that Rick needed more than my assistance. As you can see here, Bailey is telling him he needs to use the hammer, "yea, that hammer."

I guess because of the snow storm, I forgot to take a photo after all the cabinets came down. You can get an idea of what that is like if you ignore the new island wall. (Stop looking at it! I know you are!) We lived like this from Sunday until Wednesday. Then it got worse!

And who can resist a photo of a puppy's first time snow!

More to come!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Hammer Time!!!

Last week I get the call from our kitchen cabinet guy that he is ready to install. I'm like "Yay! I'm ready! Next Wednesday? Cool!!! Let's do it!"

Hang up the phone.

"Oh geez! I'm not ready!!!"

I still have to buy knobs and drawer pulls. A faucet! And oh yes, EVERYTHING has to come out of the cabinets. It's not like this is a surprise or anything, I knew this was going to happen, just now it's really happening! Thursday I had a strategic partner cancel on me so I decided to use that time to start clearing out cabinets. I turned the music on to a high spirited music station (the stuff kids listen to these days) and I wiggle my butt to the sound of the beat as I start clearing the counter tops and island.

I go for some time and I think, man this is a lot of crap! I bet I've been at this for 90 minutes or so. I looked at the clock and I'm barely 30 minutes into it. Oh this is going to be a long one! I'm emptying a lower cabinet and because of how I was sitting I lost feeling in my foot and I started to feel sorry for myself until I thought about Christy who just moved her entire house over the holidays! Oh, yea, I had NOTHING to complain about.

I kept at it while Ke$ha and Bruno and Usher and Tao Cruz sang and no my butt didn't wiggle as much but I did get it all done within 2 hours.

So here we are on Demo Day! Rick starts without me and knocks down the island. I clean up and we are done in an hour. So far so good. We will take the cabinets down tomorrow so that Rick can work outside today before the snow comes.

I'm about to run to Lowes and Home Depot to look at kitchen faucets and cabinet knobs and drawer pulls. Also a fancy smanshy light to replace the builders light over the table. By the way, that is going away and we will have two club chairs their instead. When it's all said and done, it's going to be so cafe-loungy-bistro chic I'll have to start charging at the door!

The best part about all this is the cats' new discovery... empty cabinets. Man, they are hilarious!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kitchen Beautification - The Beginning

After 14 years of living in the same house and realizing we will most likely die in this house, two months ago, Rick and I decided it was time to renovate our kitchen. Our current kitchen is adequate and pretty. But you know us girls, we always want to "better-fy" our space. And me being a graphic designer, visually pleasing things are a must. It's almost as if my eyeballs have tactile sensation - like fingertips.

We've decided to be our own contractor. I have lots of experience in contracting work. I've watched not just the HGTV home improvement shows but for a year now DIY shows too. I have an organizer with a note pad, different colored pens and paper clips. I'm set.

In December at a Hot Pink Mammas event, I met interior designer Andrea Krolick and called on her for some guidance. She gave me some tid bits and sources (her pricing is VERY reasonable). I then met with her sources and some of my own, and I think we've got just about everything figured out. Still need a quote from another handyman but I don't need that project for another month.

However, after meeting with these sources Rick decides to fill me in on his time frame. And if you know us, you know that our time frames on home improvement projects NEVER mesh. He says to me as if this is a good thing: "We should be able to all of this over the next 6 months." What? What do you mean over the next 6 months, I'm thinking next 6 days! He's standing there with a very pleased look on his face as if I should be excited with this news. I suppose he thought this was going to take longer?? Good grief.

Well, I'll be a good sport and let him win this one this time. But I'm holding him to that 6 months. We have baseboards in a bathroom that STILL does not have any caulking or nail holes covered after placing them two years ago. I shouldn't complain really because initially he said he wanted to make our kitchen cabinets.


Yep! He wanted to make our kitchen cabinets. Has he ever made cabinets before, you ask? nope. Oh, so he must have wood working skills? nu uh. Well, he at least has the tools, right? nah...

I love my man, I really do, and though highly skeptical of his desire, I was supportive. I gave him a test: If you can make a cabinets for our bathroom by the end of the year (6 weeks) and they are perfect (you know I'm afflicted with OCD, right?) then you can make the kitchen cabinets.

Lucky for me, a friend mentioned a place that sells cabinets pre-made, and we liked the material and the price so went with that option Whew! I actually think Rockywood Cabinets saved our marriage!

I decided to take some "before" photos and staged the kitchen. You know those before and after photos people show on the DIY and HGTV shows? Well, the before photos always look like crap. I'd like to think that my kitchen wasn't THAT crappy before reno. So I staged it like I would for an open house. Put some oranges here and a water pitcher and glasses there. That way people won't think we are just slobs living with some crappy kitchen. So here is the before. I can’t wait to see the after!

Hopefully Rick and I won’t go insane with the demo which is coming soon. If anything interesting happens there I'll be sure to share.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hi. Well, if you are reading this first entry it's because I probably asked you to come and read my new blog. So you probably know who I am anyway, so there's really not much to say.




Well, okay. I guess I should list some stuff for those who don't know me. Maybe for those who do know me, you'll learn something new. Or not. I don't care. I'm just rambling... so here goes...

- I live in Wylie, TX with my dog, Bailey Mae, and two cats, Alex and Callie.
- I did not name my furbabies after the cast of Gray's Anatomy. Promise.
- Oh, I also live with Rick, my husband since 1996.
- I can drive a Volvo 780 tractor (that's a heavy duty 18-wheeler truck!). This is our set up.

- I own my own graphic and web design firm, 911 iDesigns.
- Graphic design is my passion.
- I am a councilman's wife.
- I hate being referred to as councilman's wife. My title is Alicia White, not Councilman Rick White's wife.
- I love to travel and take photos of wildlife and landscapes.
- I also take photos of the local fire and police departments.
- I prefer milk chocolate.
- I have shot an AK47 and I own an AR15. I wanted a pink one but it was more expensive.
- I am cheap.

So, that's about it. My goal is to entertain you. If you have a thought you'd like for me to ramble on, send it to me and we'll see what I come up with. This should be fun!