Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Prepare for some really dry reading. I will try to make it fun so keep your eyes open, Christy.

Day 1 - Jan 8 2011:
So, we begin Saturday with demolishing the island. I had a project to tend to upstairs on the computer so Rick was downstairs by himself whacking away at the island. And actually in all fairness, I'm not really interested in whacking things apart. I'm more interested in using the reciprocating saw!

When I finally finished my project, I came downstairs to this:

My job started by filling up our trash can with the broken dry wall and old lumber supports. I was later informed by my friend Christy that she had been looking for an island. I asked her to trust me, this one wasn't it! Especially now that it was all in a trash can... which is a funny story I'll tell later. Well, it's really not that funny. But interesting... well, to us, maybe not you...

So here's the story now 'cause I feel like I just built up this story like it's going to be iHilarious but I promise, it's not that big of a deal. And yes, I've started putting "i"s in front of words like iHilarious and soon to be revealed iFantabulous because it's the in thing. No, I don't own anything Mac, but by iGod, I will be an iCool kid. Oh wait, I do have an iPod.

So here's the story. Monday is our trash day, and the can is somewhat full, no worse than other times when we have a large amount of trash especially at Christmas, or after removing those home loan signs you see illegally placed in the roadway, or after a night of binge eating and drinking... not that we do that... anymore... removing the signs that is.

So Rick set out the trash can and the trash guy passed us up and a little tag was placed on it. Rick grumbled but then admitted maybe that stuff should have been hauled off by bulk pick up instead. He didn't read the tag so there is no telling why they didn't pick it up. But it honestly wasn't THAT full but okay, whatever. And for some reason he left the can down there instead of bringing it back up like he usually does. So later that day when we went outside, the can was empty and the tag gone! It's as if a little garbage fairy waved his magic wand and made the trash disappear! Or our address is flagged that I'm Councilman Rick White's wife or something to that nature. //sigh//

I know what you are saying now, "Wow Alicia that was an iHilarious story!"

And I told you that iHilarious would catch on. ;)

So here is the kitchen with the trash and island gone:

Day 2 - Jan 9 2011:
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! I like saying the word "Sunday" in that big voice that that guy uses when announcing boxing or wrestling events, hockey games, and at those monster truck shows. I'm sure Julie knows what voice I'm talking about as she has been to her fair share of monster truck shows and hockey games. I think as long as they serve chicken fingers, she's cool with it.

Anyway, the cabinets came down and out. There really is nothing of interest in this except that Rick used the reciprocating saw and I didn't. Boo.

It appears that Rick needed more than my assistance. As you can see here, Bailey is telling him he needs to use the hammer, "yea, that hammer."

I guess because of the snow storm, I forgot to take a photo after all the cabinets came down. You can get an idea of what that is like if you ignore the new island wall. (Stop looking at it! I know you are!) We lived like this from Sunday until Wednesday. Then it got worse!

And who can resist a photo of a puppy's first time snow!

More to come!

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