Sunday, January 30, 2011

Randomness 1

I titled this blog Randomness 1 because there will be other blogs that are just as random.

Here are a few thoughts and experiences I have had last week and am just now finding time to write them down.

1. I had the most wonderful time last Tuesday night at the Hot Pink Mamas networking, however, my voice was left scratched because there was no way to get people's attention and well, since I have a big mouth, I was the one that called attention. I think Patty thinks my mouth is too big because she discovered another way to get people's attention. LOL

After the meeting, Michelle, Linda, Chris and I went to TGIF. I left with my cheeks aching because we laughed so hard. It feels so good to be able to be your true self around others. Try it.

2. I met with Lisa Peters, she is my accountability partner. No, I'm not in alcoholics anonymous, but we both chose one another to help one another stay focused and on track of our goals and tasks. This can either be personal or business related.

Well, isn't this nice. As I am typing this, my husband walks over, stands behind me, leans over to kiss me then has the nerve to wonder out loud "Alicia's Ramblings?" and questions what that means! And then walks off laughing. What the heck?? :/

Anyway, Lisa and I are truly meant for each other. She's the pretty one, I'm the smart one. She's dependent, I'm codependent. She's the home run hitter, I'm the bat boy. No seriously, she is an amazing woman and so am I and we really are in sync so I think this whole accountability thing is going to work out between us. In fact, I have helped her come up with a potential service and she has helped me pinpoint three projects that I'm going to do by Wednesday next week.

Crap! I haven't done a dang thing yet!!!

3. This week, I have expressed how I really felt to a man that questioned my family's integrity. I'm not going to go into details, but you don't ever question my family's integrity. If we are wrong we will correct it but when you are wrong, be a man and apologize for your error. I had to see this rat this week and told him to his face that I was upset with him. He knew but didn't care. Come to find out everyone else in the organization thinks he is a rat, too. So now I don't care as much. Big rat!!! /shakes fist/

4. My friends Julie and Micki are like the coolest girls. We met up for dinner last Friday night and there was discussion of going to a casino in Oklahoma to see some band from Canada. Yes, a casino... weird. Anyway, Juls is from Canada so I guess that's why she wants to see them and Micki, well, Micki is a horn dawg when it comes to men in bands, so I guess that's why she wants to see them. I can't even tell you the name of this band except that they sing a song that is really dirty and also cover a Duran Duran song. (I still love you Simon!!!!)

So Micki informed us the other day she bought tickets for us three.

I guess when we were talking over pancakes and eggs Friday night, I said something to the effect that I would go with them like "yea, it'd be fun to go to yada yada yada..." You know, it's one of those conversations were you don't think you will be held to your word.... but then you are.

So even though I have no idea where in Oklahoma they are taking me, whether or not I will have to work my way through a smoke filled room of old ladies playing slots, what band is playing, but I am PSYCHED!!!! Can you say GIRL'S ROAD TRIP!??!!! This is so almost Thelma and Louise, only I don't plan on robbing anyone again* and Juls doesn't even know what a gun looks like (she's from Canada)* but I wouldn't put any of that past Micki. She don't mess around, that girl. I would NOT want to tumble with that girl. She'll pull your hair AND knock your teeth out!* Just sayin'...

*Disclaimer: Micki is not that bad; you'd have to provoke her to get that kind of response. I have never robbed anyone. And Juls knows what a gun looks like. Not all Canadians are that sheltered. But they are THAT nice.

5. The kitchen reno part 1 was successful. I love love love my new cabinets and granite counter top. Apparently Alex does too. That little stink! I caught him yesterday on top of the counter, on his back, with his feet in the air, rolling and loving on that counter! I was in such disbelief of what I saw I died laughing before yelling at him to get off!!! I guess this is his way of getting back at us for not being able to get inside the cabinets anymore.

Enjoy this video of Alex and the old cabinet:

Well that is all for now. I hope to have an update on the kitchen today with our new bar stools and chairs.

Have an iFantabulous day!!!


  1. OMG, you were on a ROLL, weren't you? LOL!

    Keep it up and you'll be sitting home on the 18th while Julie and I DO go all Thelma and Louise, missy!
