Monday, January 24, 2011

Dust and Cabinets

Day Chiloso's - Jan 13 2011

For those who have been following, my "days" are now numbered with the place we ate dinner for that day (thanks for the idea, Christy). Without any cooking surfaces or cooking tools except for a microwave covered in dust and smelling of burnt popcorn,* we have been eating out during this reno. *Yes, I burnt the popcorn AGAIN, but didn't have to call out the fire department this time... sigh.. I guess I'll fill you in on that later.

This is actually Day 4. We are one day ahead of schedule. I spent most of the day in Plano at an AWESOME networking event, Chocolate Blues. Michelle Ketterman, Lisa Peters, Patty Farmer, Linda, Eva, Nadya, Renea, Danielle, Marla, all of the great Hot Pink Mamas were there! So when I came home, the cabinets were up! All that was lacking were door pulls and knobs, the crown molding and the light rail and granite.

Day Goodfellas - Jan 14 2011

The final day for cabinet and granite install. Everything except the bar was installed. It's my fault, of course. I had to pick out some corbels that hold up the bar and, you guessed it, the ones I chose were special order and 100 bucks more. Well, good grief. I can choose them, huh? But over all the experience was pleasant. Only awkward thing was talking to the Hispanic guy who then translated to the Chinese guy and they both spoke to each other in broken English. I don't know how they do it, but they make it work. I can give you an impression if you ever see me in person. It's funny.

Here is how the kitchen looked after Day 5. LOVE LOVE LOVE the granite!!! OMG!!! It's called Uba Tuba. Really. I'm not making that up. And handy Rick installed a lovely new aged bronze faucet that I found after looking in three different stores for "just the one!"

The Burnt Popcorn Story
In Sept 2007, I bought some new popcorn bags. These were smaller than the normal sized bags so the time to cook isn't as long. Well, I didn't pay attention, I guess, and burnt the popcorn. It wasn't that I just burnt it, but smoke filled the entire first floor of the house; even the smoke detector went off. After smacking the smoke detector with a broom handle, I tried to air out the house but wasn't making any progress. I finally called Fire Station 1 and asked my fire fighting buddy, Jeff, if he and his team could come Code 1 to the house and use their big fans to help push the smell out. I certainly didn't want to call 911 over this nonsense so I placed a public service call and asked "If you have time, yada yada yada..."

The big red truck shows up and Jeff gets out of the cab laughing his butt off at me. In public. With all the neighbors watching. Well, I don't know if they were wathcing, but I can only imagine they were peeking through the blinds like I do when an emergency vehicle pulls up. Yes, I'm that neighbor. Don't judge; you do it, too.

But yea, Jeff makes a big to do about it. That's just what I need to boost my shattered level of confidence. I can't even pop a bag of popcorn without burning it. They push some air around with their big loud roaring fans and the smoke finally started to clear up. I thank them and send them on their way. I ask if they would like a bag of popcorn; they decline.


What was suppose to be a relaxing evening with a bowl of popcorn and some TV and maybe a cat in my lap turned into a visit from the fire department, me running around Febreezing EVERYTHING, running lemon water in the microwave, getting a first degree burn on my hand after adding baking soda to said lemon water, thinking baking soda and lemon water together would REALLY get the smell out of the microwave, to boiling some water with vanilla and cinnamon on the stove and then finally baking a cake to mask the smell only to have used bad oil that caused the cake to stick to the bundt pan thus having to throw the whole thing out.


It LITERALLY cannot be easy when "it" happens, can it? :/

Even though he is a big ol' goober head, my hero, Jeff Scribner is on the left:

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